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Anticipating Autumn

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for autumn. I realize I tend to be a step ahead when it comes to seasons, eager for the next one well before it's officially here. That's one great thing about living in Wisconsin.. we have beautiful and distinct seasons. (Let's not dwell on the semi-regular conundrum of Halloween and Easter snowfalls. Ha!)

The change of seasons offers a great deal of hope and positivity. Conor Oberst says it best, "There's a lot of optimism in the changing scenery, in seeing what's down the road."

On one of my bike rides this week, I happened across a forest path that looked just as eager for fall as I am. The treetops had a head start on their color change, turning into the brilliant torches that all birches become in autumn. I hopped off my bike to walk and enjoy this "nature show" a bit longer. A carpet of crisp, fallen leaves crackled cheerfully underfoot. The sun peaked in and out behind the clouds, occasionally illuminating those lovely golden birches. It made my heart happy.

Another sign of fall's approach - the rapidly ripening pumpkins in our garden! I'm almost worried they won't make it to Halloween.. perhaps if we can find a cool, dry place to store them, they'll have a better lifespan.

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. ~George Eliot

For more autumn adoration, check out these posts -

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