A Note from Eva
Hello! I am so very glad you stumbled across my site. Here, I'll be writing about a great range of topics, all pertaining to my efforts to cultivate a gorgeous and grounded lifestyle.
The aim of this blog is to inspire others to cook or garden or do any of these things which bring a sense of rootedness. Whether you are starting these pursuits with little experience or are looking to expand upon your current knowledge, I hope my notes will be of some help.
Thank you for visiting Heartland Lady, and please
do stop by again!
About Me
I grew up (and still live) in a small town in northern Wisconsin, bordered on one side by dense forest and on the other by a vast expanse of rolling fields. America's Heartland really doesn't get enough credit for its beauty. Even I was once guilty of thinking that big cities had more to offer. After spending a summer in Boston for a research internship at the Harvard School of Public Health, I soon found out that the city was not for me. (Biggest lesson learned: I require trees... a great many trees.) I was glad for the opportunity, but now I know that my only home is Wisconsin. It is where I am grounded.
When I started this blog, I hoped to share my enthusiasm for humble things, like growing a garden from seed, or baking from scratch. Beyond the trowel and whisk, however, I do appreciate some glamour, so there are plenty of fashion-minded posts as well. It's most definitely an assortment - a little something for everyone.
Aside from blogging, I'm a pianist and play for church, area schools, and special events. I began taking lessons at age 7, and though I didn't care for it at first, I can't imagine doing anything else now. As a rather introverted person, piano has become my best expressive outlet. Hans Christian Andersen put it so well... "When words fail, music speaks." If you would like to hear some of my music, you are more than welcome to visit my SoundCloud profile!
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