For the next couple months, I'm going to challenge myself to include rhubarb in everything I bake. We still have canned rhubarb left from last year and there are two giant plants to keep up with this summer, so as you can see... a lot of rhubarb.

At one week in, I've made rhubarb pie, rhubarb sauce, blueberry rhubarb pancakes (below), and a peach rhubarb crisp. Not sick of it yet. Ha! I'll keep sharing recipes as I go along with this challenge. Today's post is a special feature for the pancakes, which are a serious revamping of Betty Crocker's basic recipe. These are blueberry rhubarb bran pancakes.. or as I like to call them, Bluebarb Brancakes!

Bluebarb Brancakes
Dry ingredients
1 1/2 C. flour
1/2 C. bran
6 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 Tbsp. sugar
optional dash of cinnamon
(I like to mix up the dry ingredients the day before. Then there's less to measure in the morning when you cook the pancakes. )
Wet ingredients
2 eggs
1 C. milk
1/2 C. yogurt
4 Tbsp. melted butter or oil
1/2 C. blueberries
1/2 C. rhubarb
splash of water if needed, to slacken the mixture and make it pour-able
Mix all the ingredients well, folding in the fruit last.
Heat up a griddle or frying pan and drop a pat of butter on it. We want it to get good and hot, so wait for the butter to start sizzling and browning before you pour on the pancake batter.
Pour a generous circle of batter onto the frying surface (I'm partial to big pancakes.) Let it cook until bubbles are visible throughout and the edges are matte instead of shiny.
Carefully yet quickly, flip the pancakes. I'll admit this does take practice. I have the splatters on my apron to prove it! But I promise you'll get the hang of it. Practice makes better. ;)
Serve with syrup and bacon. Enjoy!
Thank you for stopping by,
I have been experimenting with the rhubarb custard crisp recipe given to me by a friend. The recipe is so very simple. However, as my rhubarb dwindles, I've become rather crafty in 'substitutions'.... not all have been winners ;) Latest substitution was rhubarb, red grape and strawberry with a dash or fresh orange zest = A winner!