Desktop backgrounds coming at you early this month! (The first of the month is a Sunday, so I should leave that open for a Sunday Best post.) I'm getting so anxious for fall. Pumpkin spice lattes are out at Starbuck's, a few odd trees are changing color, and all the catalogs are filled with sweaters and flannel. I haven't smelled fall in the air yet, but I'm sure that wonderfully crisp scent will be here soon. And yes, fall has a smell. Read about it more here.
As always, here is the desktop calendar version, if you like to have the date available at a glance.

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If you prefer an inspiring quote, you can download this background here.

Also, if you'd like to hear more about Patrick Henry, keep reading and join me for a brief "History Nerd Corner." Haha! If history isn't your thing, I'll see you for the next blog post. No hard feelings. :)
'Til next time,
- History Nerd Corner -
Patrick Henry was the same bold fellow who exclaimed "Give me liberty or give me death!" on the floor of the Second Virginia Convention. To put this in context, it was about a year before the Declaration of Independence was signed. Henry gave this famous speech to propose his new legislative amendments for raising a militia independent of Britain. At this point, the colonists were still pretty hesitant about making waves against royal authority, and Henry's amendments were narrowly passed. Most saw him as a radical figure, but his profound oration likely helped kindle the flames of the Revolution.

Pictured above is a Currier & Ives sketch of Henry making his famous statement. I thought this was so neat because our family collects Currier & Ives dinnerware (more about that in a later post... maybe it could be called "Antique Nut Corner.")